51's and 47's
Hehe wouldn't mind seeing one of you do a 51b/d or any of our 47's
We need an il2 touch! Anyone? I'm working on P51d Lady Doris and 47 Miss Fire.
Thing is we only have 15 slots per plane. Wish they would rotate each month.
Last edited by Serval; 9th May 2011 at 19:59.

Re: 51's and 47's
Pics, pics.....post some pics SkyChimp!! I heard they revamped Aces a while back but haven't seen it for years. Would love to see what it looks like these days, and check out your skins of course
Re: 51's and 47's
Those cockpits are looking amazingly good. How is the flight modelling in this sim?
Re: 51's and 47's
Looks good! Nice detailing on the panels. The only thing that sticks out a bit is the garishly bright blue sky...yuk!! I tried the months trial and had a really good time. I would have probably subscribed but just as I was going to, a certain IL2 came out and that was that
Re: 51's and 47's
Hun that is the "Offline" mode there are no clouds offline but online there are.
Re: 51's and 47's
Heres a pic of me and the JBz flying some Doras the sky is blue like that untill dusk or dawn but the clouds make it look better.
Re: 51's and 47's
Just finished a 367th FG / 392nd FS P-47D-25
25th July 2005, 21:11
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