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  1. #1

    Request pease guys

    I've been wrestling with the P-51D outline for some time now and I am about to throw it at the wall.
    I have plenty of line drawings from many different sources, but not one agrees with the other.

    Now I know there are plenty of mustang lovers on here so please, help me out.

    I have downloaded around 12 photographs of the Mustang as close to side profile as I could find. I sized them and tilted them until they were all the same size and angle. Now this is the bit that I don't get . . . .They all pretty much line up almost exactly, so how come the outline shape I get looks thin??
    I can understand one lens being slightly out, but not 12, and not 12 with the same errors in the same place.

    So what gives, can't none of us draw a damn mustang outline to save our lives, or doesn't it exist in the real world?

    Please . . if you think you have a good line drawing of this bird, send it to me, or send me a loaded gun . . .

    Abuse or line drawings to

  2. #2

    Re: Request pease guys

    25 views and not a single idea why, come on guys, give us a clue.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Request pease guys

    When I did my most recent nearly complete Mustang profile, I had the same problem (it looked really thin behind the canopy and the tail) it wasn't until I added colour and shape that it began to look right.

    As I have said before, I don't get to tied up with these problems. I am far more interested in the look and feel of a profile then absolute micro accuracy, which is way too open to debate and mostly pointless and un-achievable. I think my Mustang looks pretty right and nobody has pointed out any real flaws thus far, and I used only the most basic reference material.

    Dunno if this helps.
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Request pease guys

    If I had twelve photos telling me the same thing, I'd believe the photos! What has convinced you that your drawing is wrong, Jester? As I said, very long-windedly (new word) in a recent post, no-one is going to actually build a Mustang from our drawings. As far as other plans go: They were drawn by people like us too, possibly even less committed than we are! So we can't trust them.
    I'd be quite confident that what you have drawn is as accurate as REASONABLY possible.

    I hope this helps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Pekin, IL

    Re: Request pease guys

    Are you looking at a -5 without the fin fillet?

    It really is thin, especially compared to the earlier B/C models or a -10 or later that has the fillet.

    When I started working on mine, I thought it looked incredibly thin also, especially right in front of the fin. I think the relatively wide chord of the tail made it look even more out of shape. Believe the photos!!!

    Jesters, check your email.
    Last edited by Jarink; 12th August 2008 at 03:21.
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Request pease guys

    I had the same feeling: this is too thin. (Aside from this comment, I could try sending the loaded gun, but Outlook doesn't accesp .gun files as attachments).
  7. #7

    Re: Request pease guys

    Can't you compress it Gamary?
  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Request pease guys

    J- How about a peek at the lines you're using?
  9. #9

    Re: Request pease guys

    Er, what lines? In all of my drawings, save the 262, (lines drawn by Otter) I have used photographs.
  10. #10

    Re: Request pease guys

    No line drawings? Now that's your problem right there
    I don't know one P51 drawing from another, but I do know A. L. Bentley's are about as good as drawings get! No better are known to me! You can buy, YES, buy his drawings. Remember, you get what you pay for

    Chances are, if there is one accurate source, his is it!


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