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I do like the ATR-72. Good looking prop
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I do like the ATR-72. Good looking prop
nice pics...i want to fly..
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One thing that immediately jumps out at me is that you are consistently using the wrong shutter speeds. Most of your pictures are taken with too high a shutter speed resulting in the "frozen prop" syndrome. The propellor seems frozen, much like in a engine out scenario. Try and work with longer shutter speed by using aperture priority mode and shooting at around 1/100 .
Another is composition, most of your pictures dont feel like you gave composition a great deal of thought. The airborne shots show the airplane direct from below and head or tail on. The shots near the runway show it taxiing out with part of the wheels obscured and a lot of clutter in the image. The one with the windmill is the one I think is best out of this set.