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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    IJNAF Colour Help - Land-based Fighter Colours

    Hey, got a rather broad area question, and I'm trying to consider my options here.

    Now I am, first and foremost, by no means a rivet counter - ask Jesters - a year or two ago him and I had a little competition with making Red Baron-themed BF-110 skins. So I'm looking for marking patterns here.

    I'm going with a little artistic license - I figure I've got plenty of it with the model I'm working on here. I'm working on a 1/72 scale J7W1 Shinden, aiming for an in-service colour scheme. I've looked over my basic starting resources, and it's a little thin for what colour patterns were used by the IJNAF for Land squadrons late-war. I know, for a fact, the IJNAF didn't opt for the bare-metal-with-markings concept. Pretty sure. So I'm trying to figure out what two-tone colour pattern (again, pretty sure they normally had gray undercarriage late-war) to use. This would likely be a daytime operating fighter, so dark colours are a bit out of the question. This leaves me to guess on a medium grey-green colour on the top surfaces.

    I guess foremost, the main thing I'd like to see, if anybody has them, are broader selections of profile shots of IJNAF land fighter, so I can get an idea of what I could do with regards to markings for a 1946-style operating scheme. I'm looking to spruce it up a little more than the rather bland monochrome save tail marking pattern, since I'll be doing that with a Ki-100-I I plan on acquiring eventually. I'm just hoping some of you guys have more resources with regards to aircraft profile shots than I do. Additionally, if there's some sort of camo they'd use on land-based fighters later in the war, which would be likely, I'd love to see shots of that.

    Much oblidged!
  2. #2

    Re: IJNAF Colour Help - Land-based Fighter Colours

    And the GREAT Jim Lansdale's answer isn't good enough for you?
    IJNAF Colours Question: Color of SHINDEN J7W1 *PICS*
    That guy is THE MAN, what he says is about as good as you could possible get. He helped me out quite a bit on my Zeros. The RGB value I have for N2 Dark Green is 70/79/68, FS14077, but I'm not sure that's 100% correct. It's at least close enough that people won't say you're way off. And the natural metal undersides? Those were standard for most fighters of that time. How can you go wrong with a groovy metal finish?
    If you're not a rivet counter then that RGB value should be what you want but I'm sure someone on J-Aircraft would be willing to argue it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: IJNAF Colour Help - Land-based Fighter Colours

    Actually, Jim took the direct solution and didn't quite read the question, Blowhard. Also, read the timestamps - I posted here before J-Aircraft, because at the time I couldn't post there just yet.

    As I posted there, I'm trying to find more than just the stock colours of the one and only Shinden in existence - I'm doing mine as if she'd entered service, so I'm looking for things like markings to add to it. If it's bare metal on the underside, that should render quite an interesting look indeed, contrasting the green, and will sit nice beside the Ki-61 I'm working on, and the Ki-84 I'll add, and moderate the gap between them and the all-dark Ki-100.

    I'm hoping there might be a superior surface camoflage I can add, or fuselage markings. Something to give it a little more life. If bare metal underside's the prescription, I'll be happy to do that, it'll look ***y. Getting my point? Yeah, I'm a picky bastard.
  4. #4

    Re: IJNAF Colour Help - Land-based Fighter Colours

    But I, and he, did understand, those ARE the "the stock colors of the one and only Shinden" and they would have been THE colors had it gone into production. That's more or less how all late war IJN planes were painted. No matter which dark green was used, they would have been green over bare metal. The IJA had a few strange hand painted schemes here and there and more colorful unit markings. Navy planes are generally more boring. Yellow lighting bolts and white numbers in the hinomaru are the most interesting thing I can think of. If they somehow had more resources they might have had undersides in the standard gray-green which is a tan color really. If less resources, maybe over-all bare metal. That's the plain boring truth of it, that's how all late war IJN planes were painted dark green upper surfaces. Considering that's how all the other ones from 45 looked, why would the Shinden be different? If you want hypothetical but still accurate to what would have been, that's what you need to do. If you want to make something more interesting or pleasing to your eye you could use something like the field applied green spraied or brushed over bare metal like IJA late war stuff. But if you're not going to try to be historically accurate why not pick a camouflage scheme you like and do that? Or even make one up? I'm afraid this is a case where you can't have your cake and eat it too :P
    Take a look at the models built, some of those feature hypothetical operational planes-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: IJNAF Colour Help - Land-based Fighter Colours

    Alright, so I guess that sort of answers the whole question... Looks like a red spinner's not out of the question though... but on the dark green, the black anti-glare's just a little pointless. Bare metal underside, well that's interesting. Guess the IJN birds in my collection get to be the sober ones.

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