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Thread: Eye Candy 4000

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Californis, USA

    Eye Candy 4000

    Does anyone know where I can get "Eye Candy 4000"? and is it worth getting. All I find is for MAC machines. I have Windows Vista with Photoshop CS3. Thanks
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    This is the website of the authors.

    I don't see it on their site, but you best contact them where to get Eyecandy 4000

    As far as I know, it is a nice bunch of filters that add extra possabilities. I do not think you really need them for skinning.

    This is a description I found:
    The Eye Candy 4000 interface contains dozens of new controls and yet remains compact, clearly organized and easy to use. New mouseover help strings have been added for all elements of the preview window, encouraging users to quickly master each filter. If a filter has a large number of sliders, they have been organized onto tabs for ease of use. Lighting, Color and Bevel Profile tabs are used in several filters. After much consultation with our users, we have aimed for a more host-like appearance and functionality in the Eye Candy 4000 interface.
    Bevel Profile Editor
    A Bevel Profile editor is now included in Bevel Boss, Chrome and Glass. Users now have complete control over the shape of bevel and carve effects. Bevel Profile settings can be named and saved for later use. In addition, we have included a variety of presets to help users take full advantage of this feature.
    Color Gradient Editor
    A Color Gradient editor is now included in Fire, Gradient Glow, Smoke and Star. Users can now create a stunning variety of color effects. The color and opacity of each color stop in the gradient can be controlled, producing multi-hued glows, halos, rainbows and more. The eyedropper tool allows users to quickly select any color in the preview window.
    Real-world Absolute Parameter Units (Photoshop users)
    One of the most important changes in Eye Candy 4000 may not be apparent to a casual user. You can now specify absolute units for your Eye Candy settings in order to create effects that are resolution-independent. Slider parameters are now based on the measurement unit the user has chosen in Photoshop (inches, centimeters, etc.), which means a setting created and saved at 300 dpi will look the same when used at 72 dpi. This is an enormous time-saver for graphic designers who regularly move from print to the Web, or who create proofs at screen resolution before going to print. This feature is something many users will appreciate learning about.
    Seamless Tiling
    Seamless tiling is now available in the following texture effects: Fur, HSB Noise, Jiggle, Marble, Swirl, Water Drops and Wood. Creating textured backgrounds for Web pages, games or multimedia presentations becomes extremely easy with Eye Candy 4000.
    Unlimited Undo/Redo
    We have added an unlimited Undo and Redo capability within the preview window of each filter. It is available via commands in the “Edit” menu or by using standard keyboard shortcuts.
    Menus from the Filter Window
    Command menus accessible from the preview window offer new options to users. For instance, the “Filters” menu allows users to switch from one Eye Candy filter to another from within the preview. Other menus included are Edit, View, Settings and Help.
    Huge Preview with Underlying Layers Visible
    The preview window has been dramatically enlarged, and is fully resizable. The “Show All Layers” command from the “View” menu allows users to preview the effect with all layers in the image visible.
    Settings Now in the “Settings” Menu and Tradable Via Email
    Presets and settings are now available in the “Settings” menu. All filters allow users to name and save their favorite settings; users can also edit the presets included as part of each filter. Settings are now tradable via email, and are also usable across both Mac and Windows platforms.
    Keyboard Shortcuts
    Wherever possible, we have implemented keyboard shortcuts identical to those used in Photoshop to streamline the production process.
    In-preview controls
    We have added new controls inside the preview window in Shadowlab and Star. In-preview controls are enabled by clicking the arrow tool in those filters, and allow for direct control over the position, size and shape of the effect.
    Filters work as “Live Effects” in Fireworks 3 and Canvas 7
    All Eye Candy 4000 filters will work as “Live Effects” in Macromedia’s Fireworks 3 and Deneba’s Canvas 7. This means that when a filter like Bevel Boss is applied to text, for example, the bevel effect will automatically update if the user makes a change to the original text. In addition, effects can be modified even after the filter has been applied. Simply double-click on the effect and the filter window will reappear. Alien Skin has worked closely with Macromedia and Deneba to facilitate this powerful functionality.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    I used to get advertisement flyers from alienskin many years ago. I can't recall now how I started receiving them, perhaps through my purchases of software from Serif company (I used PagePlus for years, back in the 1990s).

    As Serval mentions, the kinds of effects Eye Candy makes aren't really needed for skinning. But the results they show in their examples are very nice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Californis, USA

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    Thanks Adlabs6 and Serval for the information, I think I can do without this program. I have enough on my plate trying to learn Photoshop
  5. #5

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    I've got it ... cant remember how either - probably on a disc included with other stuff. I love the noise generator but that's about it Oh, jiggle gets used a lot too ...

    Proudly skinning with Paintshop Pro since 2002
  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Californis, USA

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    Thank you for the information, Kamikuza, I use your tutorial on rivets all the time. My memory isn't what it use to be so the pages are getting warn. In your 'Tut" you mentioned Eye Candy 4000. I search everywhere and it's not available anymore. I think someone is going to get me the new version for Christmas, I think it's Mrs. Claus.
  7. #7

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    You don't need Jiggle, but it adds a nice randomness to shadow edges etc. You can get a similar effect using the PSP built-in texture effect called "Antique Glass" or "Mosaic Glass" or something ... not at home PC now so can't recall basically, it pixelates the edges - with the right settings. It depends on your taste but IMHO the more uniform stuff on skins is (shadows etc) the less real it looks in-game ... but each to their own
    The noise filter is better than the one in PSP and more controllable too ...

    Proudly skinning with Paintshop Pro since 2002
  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Californis, USA

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    I really appreciate the information I'll give it a try. I'm just learning Photoshop. All the information I get is from tutorials on the net from Photoshop sites and Il2 sites. Everyone is so helpful I can't believe all I have learned. Thanks again.
  9. #9

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    You never stop learning - you should see my first skins horrible ... now, after years of practice, they're almost bearable I seriously think some real art lessons would help me too :laugh:

    Proudly skinning with Paintshop Pro since 2002
  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Californis, USA

    Re: Eye Candy 4000

    Kamikuza I sent you a PM.

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