I'm looking for some accurate line drawings for the SBD-5. I have found about 4 of them on the net. But after looking a little closer at them there all a little different in one way or another ( height,length,panel lines ect..). I would like to get as accurate as possible.
As I stand right now I trying to put a good side view together in Illustrator. But its killing me
Any help would be great
Last edited by mjag; 16th September 2008 at 23:33.
As many people are asking for the plans, I'm posting the download link here. However, bear in mind that these are just a few plans gathered here and there. Nothing extraordinary. But it might be useful to some anyway. Enjoy!
I noticed that also Blowhard. By the way anyway to get rid of that?. Cause photoshop does it also, not that bad though. I know the above picture is a A4 caves backed out to 25% to get the whole thing in the frame. That might that be the cause of it.
that (Green) frame is just the artboard you can work outside of that as when you export to jpeg it crops it so once basic shapes down add 4 lines, top,right,bottom centre that way it crops to them lines and not the drawing itself.