Hello together,
my next Template got so just ready. I must over 4500t sides Original-Documents of the Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH., through leaf around the components together get.Now it is completed and is the new and KORRECT Fw190A-4/5 Template there! Here they can look couple of pictures.
Best regards and Happy skinning!
P.S. Sry for my bad english.
Last edited by Serval; 1st October 2008 at 22:11.
I lurve 'your' Templates mate, what I particularly lurve is how you manage to incorporate copies of parts of everyone elses templates/WIP Bitmaps into one and credit no one but yourself? There seems to be more and more of your type of 'Skinner' these days ...Cough, splutter![]()
Last edited by FBS; 1st October 2008 at 16:00.
Sorry for CREDIT's gentlemen!!!
I forgot to indicate for credit's; Photoshop CS3 for Adobe, Wacom INTUOS-3 graphics tray, alas yet what, PC, graphic card, etc....and of all my good friend Asura from AviaSkins.com - news of that occasionally once supported if he time has AND naturally Serval of that me a friendly opportunity it gives me to issue! I hope forgot none I there, apologize if yet then I. Thanks!
P.S. Ohmmm shit...i forgot IL-2 Team!![]()
My good advises, would learn first once Messerschmitt, Focke Wulf or what to spell otherwise correctly, let's speak further.![]()
Last edited by Revolver; 2nd October 2008 at 03:44.
Oh, this is rich.
Gentlemen, keep things mature!
As of the comparing material I have seen: Three files of FBS which showed no similarity at all, and the Template of Jester, which has a couple of panellines which are the same. And all but one are the same with the void that comes with IL-2
So, my conclusion based on this material is that Revolver did his own job. He might have used Jesters panellines, thinking they were completely from the void, what is not the case.
Still quite some changes to the panellines were made, rivets are much different from Jesters work and shading also is much different.
I know the two gentleman had some issues in the past. I will not judge about that. I just look at the template invovled here.
Thread closed. Anyone who thinks to have additional information can contact me through PM and keep things discrete.
Posting accusations in public can offend people while nothing is wrong.
Remember: someone got a permanent ban before in a copyright issue. We judge violation by not giving credits, and false claims of copyright violation in public all the same. So, be sure of your case when you accuse someone in public.
If you have any kind of problems with someone sort it out in another way, or somewhere else, not here!
Feel free to report suspisions and/or problems to the staff through PM so we can investigate and reportback our findings. That way noone has to be hurt or banned if your suspisions were wrong.