So very accurate! It seems like you got access to some orignal blueprint..
It made me mad, truly. Can't wait to see it finished! What vectorial software are you using, if I may ask?
Last edited by VectoredThrust; 1st November 2008 at 23:27.
Unfortunately, I don't have access to any original blueprints. I wish I did, though! I've got hundreds of high-res photos (that I've taken at air shows). I took some general measurements off the aircraft at the time and 'scaled' the photos. I've got around 200+ hours (including research) in this sucker so far... and it will be 4 feet long when printed.
I don't want to steal your thread though... when the time is right I'll start my own and show it off... then I'll get started on a Zulu!
I'm 100% Illustrator CS3.
BTW... did I make you mad? I certainly didn't mean to!
It's not you that made me mad but the Cobra when I had to make the linedrawings!
Unfortunately I have no access to a real one so had to trust the pictures I have. BTW you deserve a thread on your own as your is terrific. 4 feet doubt it will be great in any means!
BTW what would be the serial?
that is mighty fine work. Hardly wait to see more,