Even today these things still look like Science Fiction!
Lovely work, Ugo. Great choice of schemes too.
Even today these things still look like Science Fiction!
Lovely work, Ugo. Great choice of schemes too.
yours old "Spilloni" looking great mate
I agree with Graeme about the color scheme![]()
cool! love the one with the witch on the tail!
Ugo, these are some of my all-time "Ugo Favorites"!! Just superb schemes and highlighting
Even though I don't agree with your shadows cast by the wing (looks like wing is lit from the upper rear and the horizontal tail is lit from upper front).
Fantastic work--thanks for sharing the "Oldies but Goodies"
P.S- Bumped into some 27th FS pilots selling your F-22 prints at the Langley Air Show this year--business was going good!
Ah ah ah!!! Thanks! Well. as I said this is an old (2003) work. Even more my very first profile. After some years (5) I see so many weak points on this artwork, and one is the wing effect you mentioned. I made some corrections time by time but am seriously thinking to take all Starfighters off and start a brand new artwork, lager in scale than this. The main problem is that I have something like 70 profiles done and no left time to remake them.... What the hell...I am 35, will have time in future no?
Yep, Langley gave me satisfaction indeed! Also Screamin' Demons from Holloman AFB followed them this year:
guess it's time and right place to show these. I had been request to prepare some ideas for a possible sponsorship of RedBull to Starfighters Team. And the other was an idea for a Starfighter to be held in Austria by same company. It didn't had a go as seems that F-104 is too noisy for Austrian standards.....dunno where is the truth but these projects are nothing more than fun right now.
Great work Ugo, love the shine on them, truly stunning