spotted it, spotted it, the very hastly done rectification of the outer wing panel, don't bodge, do it properly.
Heeeey all,
thought you'd like to see our flagship, assigned to no particular air force. Jes' another B-25C in cyberspace,
spotted it, spotted it, the very hastly done rectification of the outer wing panel, don't bodge, do it properly.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Michael, if there's one bird us nit-pickers are primed for, it's the Mitchell (just ask gamary!) and its outer wing. Also, the orientation of the wing star??
looks like the star belongs on the underside not the topside ?
Aha - you all pass the test. yes, i got lazy on the wing. yes, the wing star is unsatisfactory. Heeey, wait for the redux. I will sooooo fix this monster,