After having done four profiles I thought it was time I stepped my game up a bit before I got into the serious stuff. Hence the Viggen JA 37 below. I thought it was ugly before I started to make the profile, now it's done I'm certain! Ho, hum.
Can't thank you enough for the video. Super stuff. I had no idea a video like that existed. Makes me feel that my effort has not been entirely wasted.(My fearless leader was also flabbergasted when she saw it too!)
Thank you for looking at my work. Method? I'm afraid may not conform to everyone's ideas about profiling, but as a a learner I have to use what I already know. I have taught Photoshop for years and normally prefer 3D for illustrations (see my gallery). So when confronted with profiling I simply used a a black and white 3 view drawing, blocked it out with colour and then got stuck into the shading. I realise that my ideas about profiles are not like others, but that's life. I like my aircraft to look as though they'll actually fly. There are no outer lines because things do'nt normally have them. Simple. I hope to get better at it in due course.