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  1. #1

    Unhappy Learning Profiling - Phase Two?

    After having done four profiles I thought it was time I stepped my game up a bit before I got into the serious stuff. Hence the Viggen JA 37 below. I thought it was ugly before I started to make the profile, now it's done I'm certain! Ho, hum.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Tamworth, UK

    Re: Learning Profiling - Phase Two?

    Viggen is Beautiful, and dont forget its got reverse thrust too
  3. #3

    Re: Learning Profiling - Phase Two?

    Can't thank you enough for the video. Super stuff. I had no idea a video like that existed. Makes me feel that my effort has not been entirely wasted.(My fearless leader was also flabbergasted when she saw it too!)
  4. #4

    Re: Learning Profiling - Phase Two?

    I thought it might provide useful practice if I kept at it with the Viggen and profiled the trainer version.......
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  5. #5

    Re: Learning Profiling - Phase Two?

    Great work !
    To me it looks like you have been using a combination of photos and drawings in order to make these that right ?
  6. #6

    Re: Learning Profiling - Phase Two?

    Thank you for looking at my work. Method? I'm afraid may not conform to everyone's ideas about profiling, but as a a learner I have to use what I already know. I have taught Photoshop for years and normally prefer 3D for illustrations (see my gallery). So when confronted with profiling I simply used a a black and white 3 view drawing, blocked it out with colour and then got stuck into the shading. I realise that my ideas about profiles are not like others, but that's life. I like my aircraft to look as though they'll actually fly. There are no outer lines because things do'nt normally have them. Simple. I hope to get better at it in due course.

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