Sorry Otter, its one of mine. . . . . .
Does anyone know who painted this? Aside of the fact that in general the lines of this aircraft are horribly inaccurate I am mystified as to its origin. Firstly, by this date the aircraft was already at least 3 years obsolete and was by this time relegated to training roles. What was it doing flying a combat mission at all when the pilot stood almost no chance over his opponents? By this time the Luftwaffe had far more modern aircraft than this, but a real shortage of pilots and fuel to fly them. The cam scheme is also not only 5 years out of date but it would be unusual (note uppers and lowers demarcation line) even at a time when it was used, yet here it is all decked out in RTV Defence of the Reich bands. If anyone can shed any light on this with photos, historical info, etc. I'm extremely curious to see it. Otherwise it gets transferred to the realm of fantasy dreamers.
nah J..ur not that good:P :P
Immortal Thread Killer par excellence!
MHO, it's completely made up. The 5 doesn't look like numbers used. JV band on an E?
Even if an E was still being used in 45 It certainly would have it's 1939-40 camouflage on it :P
I am highly skeptical, but my study of german WW II Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht equipment has told me never to discount anything when it involves German WWII stuff. Some examples are Panther g tanks with Panther d turrets or Panzer IV turrets,PzKW IV aus. d hulls with aus h or g turrets, panthers with rubber rimmed wheels except for two all steel wheels or steel wheels except for 1 rubber rimmed wheel ( I have photos of both) or early production Tiger tanks with steel wheels also hybrid fw 190s with A-2 nose section but the wings and fuselage from a later sub type.The BF109t was still being flown in combat in 1944 by JG.5 and it was heavier and slower than the 109e. The germans never threw anything away if it could be rebuilt or refurbished even though it probably should have. Just when I think I know everything someone find's new documents,photos or other evidence that proves me wrong.
My belief is that whoever did this probably was told the story by the soldier involved and saw an illustration of a 109E and assumed that was how all 109s looked ( How many times have you seen bf109Es from 1940 scrambling to intercept US bombers in 1944 or footage from the invasion of Poland being passed off as footage from the Ardennes offensive in 1944 in documentaries on the history channel). Eyewitnesses are notorious for being inaccurate in these matters especially after several years have passed. Firsthand accounts can be cloudy or distorted by the heat of combat or time. It's amazing to me that every kill scored in the Pacific by US pilots was a zero and every German tank encountered by the allies in Europe was a Tiger if you believe eyewitness accounts.
All I am saying it most likely is BS or an artist that didn't know his subject matter,the result of a cloudy memory or maybe just maybe it was real. Never say never when it comes to WW II German equipment.
Last edited by fritzie101; 12th November 2008 at 06:38.
It's mine!
THeres no photo evidence of a Jg7 109 trainer let alone an Emil, its its highly speculative.
But yeah there was the odd early war machine around. theres a few good photos of 190A-3s in 1945 with repainted late war markings