Hi Guys,
I'm actually working on a Mig15 to test different metal effects...Quite hard and I'm not so comfortable in such exercice . Pending final result, here is Pips Black 13 in 1944, just for fun. "Souvenir, souvenir..."
Have a nice Sunday.
Background photo taken from "The Longest Day". Aircraft showing in the background are Bf-108's. Hollywood still hadn't figured out CG A/C at that point. In fact the movie was done in B/W with a cast of billions. Fine job Wlad! You wanna blur the clouds a bit more on the canopy though and use the distort tool to bend it in the shape of the canopy. Getting better all the time though.
Bad eyes drawn to the flat nose. I love the overall feel of this, it looks used, but not over done. You do have one bad habbit though, you are using outlines to define shape, this does not happen in real life. When you start your next project, try starting it with shapes then use colour and tone to define the 3D shape.
also, ich weiss immer noch nicht warum man jedes mal beim Fw190/Bf109 den Vernietung bzw., Beplankung immer wieder aufs neu erfindet?!Letzte Zeit ist es zimmlich CRASS geworden mit ne Profil-Darstellung...echt!