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  1. #1

    BAe-146 TNT Update

    Hello people, you may remember my BAe-146 ... my rebound off my prev. black hawk attempt. Well it's actually a rebound rebound, as i very nearly gave up on it.
    Well i have started again after a month or two, after i had gathered some techniques off of all you guys. So here it is so far:

    This profile will be purely "Let's just make it work for now". So aircraft part realism/authentisity isn't high up my list atm. I am really pleased how my engines have turned out, inc some of my updated shading, lighting and shinyness on it. The drop shadows are at an early stage so they do look a little crude.

  2. #2

    Re: BAe-146 TNT Update

    Been working all day on it now, and i have progressed ALOT!
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Tamworth, UK

    Re: BAe-146 TNT Update

    good to hear pal, glad you didn't give in. its a great way to further your skills in photoshop

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