hi AP,
i do like your work, just don't like your choice of aircraft (i hate the hornet) but i love the hawkeye and the prowlermust just say though, the artwork on the bottom hornets looks beautifull.
It's been a while since I have contributed with anything here, so it's about time to let you guys in on what i have been up to.
I?m working on completing a print taht will feature every singe aircraft from CVW-5 as they look at the moment (or at least their CAG birds)...and this is how far i have got untill now.
There?s however a few things that causes me some trouble...especially the HSL-51 paint scheme...what they heck does it look like at the moment ? Anybody how can help me ?
By the way: if you haven't already done so, please stop by my website: www.aircraftprofiles.dk i have just uploaded a bunch of new profiles and alot of new photos.
I hope you'll give me some pointers on what you think about the layout and the drawings in general. Don't pay to much attention to the text...it?ll get there eventually ;-)
hi AP,
i do like your work, just don't like your choice of aircraft (i hate the hornet) but i love the hawkeye and the prowlermust just say though, the artwork on the bottom hornets looks beautifull.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
it?s pretty hard to get around the Fa-18 when doing deployment prints these days. I would prefer the Spook any day, but still these schemes looks pretty good in my oppinion...I'm glad that the colors got back in the Navy ! The late 80?s and early 90?s didn't really do any good for us US naval enthusiasts (we?ll those of us that are into paint schemes that is).
Hope to get some more oppinions on this work (that is very much in progress) I'll keep posting updates as i, hopefully, get closer and closer to a completed poster.
clever sod!!!!
did not even see the sea![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)