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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Burn/Dodge tools not working!

    I'm using CS3. I just opened a saved project I was working on. I made a new layer and placed it on top of the last one I was working on. I can paint in this layer but I can't use the dodge/burn tool. What gives?

    I deleted the new layer. I found that if I use the burn tool now only the paint on the layer I'm on is affected. I have to move between two layers to burn evenly, which is difficult. Also, I want to burn brown/black to add weathering. Instead I'm only darkening the paint (green to darker green.)

    What am I doing wrong?
    Last edited by gamer025; 28th December 2008 at 14:47.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Burn/Dodge tools not working!

    Burn and dodge tools work on the layer that contains the work you want to burn and dodge.
    If you use it on an empty layer, you are burning and dodging nothing.
    It's like making a selection on an empty layer.
  3. #3

    Re: Burn/Dodge tools not working!

    Serval is right about the why.
    For burning brown, this still probably isn't the answer you need, but check out how burning using the tool preset of highlights, midtones or shadows have different effects or the colors.
    I'd suggest what you want, based on your problem, is to make a new layer, paint on it in dark or even medium brown, and then try different layer settings and opacities. Try burn, darken, multiply overlay and softlight. If you set your layer to 50% or 60% and change those layer settings I'm sure you'll find the effect you're looking for. The normal layer setting with a percentage opacity and brown paint might be all you need though

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Burn/Dodge tools not working!

    you guys are super awesome and friendly. are you saying that to use burn/dodge you have to paint on that layer first? even if its in a tiny corner just to add details ? also, are you saying to get some neat-o weathering you can paint a darker colour somewhere on the plane and then burn it?
  5. #5

    Re: Burn/Dodge tools not working!

    You can't burn multiple layers at once, at least not that I know of. You can only burn paint on one layer at a time. What I'm suggesting is that you paint a dark or medium color where you want to burn on a new layer, set that layer to one of the layer settings that darkens in layers below it, and it can, with the right setting and opacity, give you the same effect as burning on multiple layers. Even better, if you set up a new layer for darkening, it's WAY better than burning, because you can adjust it later. Say your burnt shadow is too dark or in the wrong place. It's as easy as changing the opacity or erasing. Your other layers, camouflage, markings, etc, won't be effected. And, no burning needed.
    Take a look at the PSD I've attached. It has several layer settings and opacities. Play around with them and see how the different settings look. Try the other settings available in the menu too. There are many different effects to try


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