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  1. #1

    Back from the Dead! Hurricane R4118.

    This image is of one of the sole surviving Hurricanes from the Battle of Britain. Sent to India after the battle, it lay, a pile of deteriorating wreckage, getting steadily worse due to repeated monsoons and general neglect, for 50 years in the backyard of a College at Banaras in India. Spotted by Mr Peter Vacher, and after first incorrectly thinking it was a Spitfire, he decided to try to recover it and bring it back to life in the UK.
    Six years and many visits to India later, he managed to persuade the Indians to reluctantly part with the wreck and got it back to these shores. Aided by Hawker Restorations Ltd, and many helpful people with essential genuine parts from all over the world, the aircraft was successfully assembled back to as new condition and now flies regularly.
    Having read Peter?s incredible book titled ?Hurricane R4118? telling the riveting story of how he did it, I was duly inspired to attempt a profile.
    I was tempted to distress the bodywork, but realising that it had been brought back to original factory condition, I thought I?d better not. (Incidentally, they managed to actually locate a few of the original pilots, including those who?d actually shot down five German bombers with it!).
    (By the way, this time I managed to get my hands on an original Hawker Aircraft drawing so for once I didn?t have to make any corrections before I got going).
    This incidentally, is my seventh attempt at a profile. If I keep at it, I might even get the hang of it one day.
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