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  1. #1

    Rafale M, special scheme

    Here is a sample of my last drawing : a Rafale M with special scheme.
    Also 2 zoom view at 1/4 original size. You can see other profiles at US Navy / Marines aircraft carrier , planes and helicopters prints / posters / illustrations and drawings - Artwork Navy
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    Last edited by stephane_G; 5th January 2009 at 00:45.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    How about you stop plastering watermarks all over your work and perhaps we can give an unbiased opinion. Hard to take you seriously otherwise. There are a lot of "Pros" here, and none of them do that. Your signature will do just fine to identify the origin of the artwork. Otherwise you are just marring what might otherwise be a fine piece.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Pekin, IL

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    What is special about the scheme? I'm not that familiar with the Rafale; I'd be interested to know more about what makes this one special.
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    Jeez, not exactly the warmest of welcomes.
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    Hi Stephane, welcome aboard, mate.

    Your Rafale looks great. I'd be interested to see how you've tackled the undercarriage and cockpit. Your profile has a nice lively feel and good use of shading.

    I've had a look a your site and you certainly have set a large task for yourself.

    I look forward to seeing more of your work here and finding out about the way you work.

    All the best,

  6. #6

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    Well, usually, Rafale M just wear low visibility scheme. In this case you get a colored patch on the tail, which is fairly rare.
    This is very different of US Navy planes, where you can find colorfull schemes for CAG birds.
  7. #7

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    Quote Originally Posted by Otterkins2 View Post
    How about you stop plastering watermarks all over your work and perhaps we can give an unbiased opinion. Hard to take you seriously otherwise. There are a lot of "Pros" here, and none of them do that. Your signature will do just fine to identify the origin of the artwork. Otherwise you are just marring what might otherwise be a fine piece.
    Well, I had very very unpleasant bad surprises in the past with theft of my artworks. Someone added his signature and voila, you find it on a russian web site. I also had the same kind of theft from an US very famous book editor...

    This is also one reason why I draw the "other side" profiles (right view).

    And I appreciate the warmth welcome
  8. #8

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    Quote Originally Posted by GrubbyFingers View Post
    Hi Stephane, welcome aboard, mate.

    Your Rafale looks great. I'd be interested to see how you've tackled the undercarriage and cockpit. Your profile has a nice lively feel and good use of shading.

    I've had a look a your site and you certainly have set a large task for yourself.

    I look forward to seeing more of your work here and finding out about the way you work.

    All the best,

    Thank you.

    Concerning the central and front undercarriage plus the ejection seat and pilot, these are 3 pictures I took myself, and I added 40% details in vectorial mode mostly for the ejection seat. I was too short in time to realize those details 100% in vectorial mode.
    I insist, solely undercarriage and ejection seat + pilot were made from pictures.

    The Rafale M is my first vectorial drawing. I wanted to produce a A0 or W1 size with perfect details.
    Otherwise, my 5700 other drawings are just bitmap 100% mouse made, but a lower resolution.
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    Hi Stephane.

    Your vector work is looking very good. I must admit, the thought of 5700 vector drawings to this quality was astounding! I am not surprised to hear most are lower resolution pixel based art.

    All the best,

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Rafale M, special scheme

    I dunno what the answer is on profile theft Stephane. It doesn't seem to matter what you do, if someone is determined enough they'll swipe it anyways, but there are ways of protecting yourself against copyright infringement. For one thing, in the sizes you can post here whatever anyone does swipe won't be of much use to them. All the guys here are pretty good about that sort of thing, but I guess it's the occasional drop in visitor that poses a real threat. All these guys are really good about helping you improve or get answers to tough questions, so you're in the right place. Sorry if I sounded like I was jumping on you, but it's a personal peeve of mine. Maybe Vac has an answer on protecting your work that would be better than any solution I could offer you.

    In the meantime sit back and kick off your shoes and relax. We're all basket cases here but pretty harmless ones. Go back through the posts as there are a lot of interesting ones and there is much here to explore. Also a lot to learn. Have fun! Oh, by the way.....I'm strictly vector art too, but pretty much a beginner for all intents and purposes.
    Last edited by Otterkins2; 5th January 2009 at 02:01.

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