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  1. #1

    JG 300 - Volume IV

    Hello gents! Back with my JG 300!

    This time it's about the I./JG 300, which was based in Bonn-Hangelar.

    Contents :

    - Bf 109G-6 "Gelb 4" (3./JG 300) No particular pilot known.

    - Bf 109G-6 "Gelb 121" (3./JG 300) No particular pilot known.

    - Bf 109G-6 "Gelb 9" (3./JG 300) flown by Ofw. Lothar Sachs.

    - Bf 109G-6 "Rot 12" (2./JG 300) flown by Fw. Horst John, who shot down 7 airplanes
    as a JG 300 pilot before he died on November 18 1943.

    - Bf 109G-6 "Rot 6" (2./JG 300) flown by Fw. Arnold D?ring.

    - Bf 109G-6 "Rot 2" (2./JG 300) probably flown by Fw. Horst John. (The airplane wears
    his victory at the date of the September 17 1943 on the tail.)

    Screenshots (in the same order as the description) :


    Have a nice flight!
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: JG 300 - Volume IV

    I'll try them for my victims
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    6?10'32.04"S - 106?49'35.89"E

    Re: JG 300 - Volume IV

    Excellent skins I'm tempted to try skinning the Luftwaffe's aircrafts but I'm still not sure if I can do it right

    On the other hand you manage to skin the whole squadron m8. Must've been a lot of references you got there
  4. #4

    Re: JG 300 - Volume IV

    Thank you lads!

    @Aero : Yes I managed to skin the whole squadron, and this for its entire operational time. Even if I am not sur I'll be able to do everything! For reference I have this (in french but it exists an american version) :

    J-Y.LORANT, R.GOYAT : Bataille dans le ciel d'allemagne, Une escadre de chasse dans la d?b?cle ; ?ditions Larivi?re, may 2005, (351 p.)

    And I have to say that this book is very good!

    (And go! Do Luftwaffe skins! I'll bring my modest help! )
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    de Gooische matras

    Re: JG 300 - Volume IV

    Indeed Mister Shodanjo, skinning a whole squadron looks easy. Alot of people are tempted to take a certain blank skin and put on diffrent markings for each skin. But that would look like you have only one the same aircraft in your squadron wich is painted diffrently each time. Try to vary camouflage opacity, dirt stains, leaked oil and paint chips to creat a whole squadron of diffrent aircraft. Takes alot more work but, looks better when done.
  6. #6

    Re: JG 300 - Volume IV

    Working on the next version of the Skinner's Pack, I am thinking and wondering about skinning subjects as well and thought about that as well - What if you want a squadron of planes with basically the same scheme but slightly different states so as to simulate different ages of the planes, different care, different damage etc.

    I am not even sure it would be such a big job; A scheme (at least on the computer of the Skinner ) should consist of layers with dirt etc anyway, so you would - as has been mentioned - "just" tweak the tranparency level of that layer. Maybe have a layer for an oild spill etc. Maybe have a sort of "stamp" for a patched damage. It would certainly add to the work load, but I doubt it would for example double it. One could theoretically even have the exe tweak things.

    What I wonder about though is how much memory it would use and how much slowdown it would cost, for example by worse usage of (gfx card) caches. Anyone have experiences?
  7. #7

    Re: JG 300 - Volume IV

    BTW - interesting subject - I live about 40km away from Bonn .

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