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Thread: FS9 repaints

  1. #1

    FS9 repaints

    Some of my FS9 repaints that I use on FSEconomy.

    And here's a couple for the new Soviet AI models that were released a couple of weeks ago. These will be the basis for some new AI packs that I'm working on.

    Kevin Jarvis

    I fly FSEconomy

  2. #2

    Re: FS9 repaints

    KJ, personally I think the Parrot paint is one of the best you've ever done..the weathering is about damn near perfect..
  3. #3

    Re: FS9 repaints

    Thanks Rick.
    BTW your post enticed me to post my repaints...LOL.
    I've since made the parrot smaller but this is the plane I fly the most on FSE.
    I kinda like the Goose too... :-)
    Kevin Jarvis

    I fly FSEconomy

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