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  1. #1

    Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    And another one

    with zoom at 1:1 scale

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    They look a bit flat but ofcourse if you just want to depict the markings then that's not a problem. Nice mix of aircraft and some wonderfull paintscheme's .... better then what you see nowadays

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  3. #3

    Re: Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    wow do those big ones even fit on that thing?!

    Great markings, nicley done!
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Tamworth, UK

    Re: Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    yeah they did bjorn remember C-130 did carrier trials, a carriers what about half a mile long.... plenty big enough, thats why all carrier planes can make themself smaller by folding wings, or in Tomcats case, using the oversweep to get them right back.
  5. #5

    Re: Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    Quote Originally Posted by AGNT_Matt View Post
    yeah they did bjorn remember C-130 did carrier trials, a carriers what about half a mile long.... plenty big enough, thats why all carrier planes can make themself smaller by folding wings, or in Tomcats case, using the oversweep to get them right back.
    By the way, I already created a drawing of the peculiar C-130 which landed aboard the USS Forrestal.
  6. #6

    Re: Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    Quote Originally Posted by Supah View Post
    They look a bit flat but ofcourse if you just want to depict the markings then that's not a problem. Nice mix of aircraft and some wonderfull paintscheme's .... better then what you see nowadays
    The flatness seems to come from the display. I see the same distortion with my PC dedicated to internet which displays 1280x1024 instead of the usual 1.333 screen display ratio. As for sure, I'm using several plans sources to create my drawings.

    Now, since some years now, the CAG birds get back to nice color schemes. Even the CO bird plays the game.

  7. #7

    Re: Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    Nice work ! always a pleasure to see a like-minded !
    The markings of this era are great and really fun to work with, right ?

    I think you have a good thing going here. However, IMO there?s a few things that needs tweeking. You could show the highlights and shades abit more attention..fx. the centerline tank on the Phantom looks completly flat...even things in the shade have some degree of highlighs and shadings, so try and play around and i?m sure you?ll get great results !
    It looks like there?s some general problems with the overall shape of the aircrafts, especially the F-4?s nose and cockpit area looks alittle off to me.

    But again: You work is great ! And i?m glad to see that we share the same passion. If you ever need any help or have cmments or questions, please feel free to write me: I always enjoy receiving e-mails !
    maybe you can use the Photo section on my site...still there?s may photos that?ll need to be uploaded, but already there?s a fair number of pictures there.

  8. #8

    Re: Aircrafts aboard USS Forrestal 1972-73

    I think I'm going to update my previous prints by adding more shades on drop tanks.

    And I know we share the same passion.

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