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  1. #1

    Thumbs up Great new website

    My friend Mark Hasara has started a website where you can post photos and videos,your profiles, screenshots ,skins, links to your website, plastic model photos,air museum photos and reviews. It is also a social network for pilots or people who are just interested in anything to do with aviation. Eventually it will be a place where pilots can reconnect with old friends or make new ones all over the world.

    Mark is a retired KC135 pilot who most recently was in charge of refueling operations in operation Iraqi Freedom. He is also an avid plastic modeler and has several photos of just about anything flown by the USAF,Navy or Marines if you are looking for source material. He has also provided source photos for decal sheets by Superscale, Aeromaster, Afterburner ,Twobobs etc. He has had his photos published in several books. Please check out his site and start a free account at
    Last edited by fritzie101; 15th March 2009 at 08:31.
  2. #2

    Re: Great new website

    I'd like to thank everyone who's joined pilot wall thanks for checkin us out.
  3. #3

    Thumbs up Re: Great new website

    I have posted a link to pictures of flugwerk fw190s
    and some videos of restored flyable BF109s on
  4. #4

    Re: Great new website

    Please come look at the site we have posted several awesome new videos, polls, US airshows in April and continuing to work on our air museum listings and reviews. If you're already a member come check out the new stuff,if not come join it's free.

    Here's a sample of some of the pics i've added recently. PLease join us it's free
    Attached Images Attached Images                
    Last edited by fritzie101; 21st June 2009 at 00:41. Reason: adding pics
  5. #5

    Re: Great new website

    there are a lot of new videos including some really cool videos of a Flugwerk FW 190 at the Duxford Flying legends airshow 2009

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