I like it very much.![]()
Hello mates,
Douglas Bader just caught a 109 that tried to climb away and eventually outclimbs the striken Emil.
The original is 1920x1200px and originally was meant to be presented horizontally. Funny how it works in both versions, try and rotate it 90? clockwise
SSP Thread with full version
Yes, nice atmosphere!
Gr?? dich Kollege,
war immer ein bewunderer deine Arbeit sch?n, sch?n sieht ja aus, aber gerade im Vertikalkampf war es eh umgekehrt.
Interestingly, I like the balance of the image as is presented here but not when it is horizontal. I've looked at it horizontally and the balance seems completely off. Is it supposed to be cropped differently in the horizontal version?
Thanks kristorf, by now I've been able to get props looking as I always wanted
gamary, the image was originally intended to be looked at vertically, that was what the composition was balanced out for as you say.
I'm using it as vertical wallpaper on a 4:3 ration monitor at work with the Emil being put a little closer to the Spit and the image being cropped to a shorter width. That pretty much takes away the open space and focuses on the aircraft.
I like it. It looks very good.
Do you do book covers or illustrations? How much time do you need top make such a composition?