Thats a cracker Ugo, like it a lot.
Its on my "to do list", so I hope I can get mine looking as good as that.
What did you use to get your outline?
Hello, start a new thread, moving a precedent post here.
The first one depict an Italian Air Force 36°Stormo, XII Gruppo Caccia based at Gioia de Colle AB. The other is a RSAF (maybe ex RAF) 10 SQN new toy.
Drawing is 6.000 pixels. Linedrawing wit Corel Draw 11 and painting with Corel Paint 11
Last image is a 1:1 scale
Last edited by Ugo Crisponi; 14th June 2009 at 16:57.
your Typhoons look very nice Ugo![]()
what a beautifull aircraft,
beats all those fancy yank stuff into a cockhat
just one tiny little problem Ugoit's the same pilot
i do wish i could do the same glass effect as you
Last edited by JMSmith; 14th June 2009 at 19:16. Reason: maybe
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Terrific Ugo, you, as always, break the rules. Fantastic profile!!
Have you drawn the biplace Typhoon? I think it is more beautiful than the one guy one.
Superb Typhoons, I can stay looking at them for hours.
These are simply awesome. Where does Ugo get all this detail from? I swear he's got one at home in his garage. Brilliant work indeed!