I agree a bit with GM. There is a discrepancy between the lights in the nose, glossy like, and those running in the back, more matte looking. Aprt this, your Alizč looks very nice!!.
Concerning the lightning of windshield, it's just temporarly. When I draw inside cockpit details, it will be more transparent... Just be patient.
Will see on another step. Still doing it in vectorial mode ...
So, here is another step with the inside of the cockpit => lightning is following accordingly
I agree. It looks very nice but better shape definition would be even better.How about reinforcing the lights everywhere? will give it more 3D looking.
I suspect your are talking about antennas I'm currently working on, because the rest is the exact reality. You'll see when the job is complete.
And the final result is :
I'm preparing the Indian navy version too.
Here is a preview of the Indian Navy version. Any comments welcome.
Thanks Ugo, I didn't notice it.
I've adjusted it, as you can see on the picture.