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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    32 Bit texture problem

    G'day all, long time reader first time poster,

    I am a keen aircraft repainter and have been doing so now for sometime, but today I have a hit a stumbling block and I am hoping someone can help me out.

    I am currently in the process of repainting a Westland Wes*** for fs9. The texture files are 1024 x 1024 32 Bit. I can take them through the dxtbmp program and photoshop has no issues loading them.

    The problem I am having is getting them back for use in fs9. Photoshop can save them as a 32bit file and then I go back into dxtbmp in order to save them as an extended bitmap. Now there is an option here to save them as a 32bit extended bitmap. When I do this and display the textures in fs9 they are no where near as clear as the originals....they look more like DXT1 or DXT3 textures.

    Anyone got any ideas??

    Just for some further background, the texture files can be viewed directly in photoshop with out the need for conversion, this is the first set of texture files I have come across that can do this. This begs the question are they indeed extended bitmaps in the firstplace?? I have tried editing the textures in photoshop without going through dxtbmp, and after reloading fs9 it just crashes the there is an issue here somewhere.

    Thanks in advance, happy painting

  2. #2

    Re: 32 Bit texture problem

    Quote Originally Posted by alphacentauri View Post
    When I do this and display the textures in fs9 they are no where near as clear as the originals....they look more like DXT1 or DXT3 textures.

    Anyone got any ideas??

    The dreaded DXT3 can use your DXT-Bmp. program and click the No Mips box and it may help....the better option is to save as Extended 32 Bit 888-8 format...the file is considerably larger,(4mb/texture),but it is very clear at 1024x1024.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Southern California

    Re: 32 Bit texture problem

    Ugh, I've had the same problem myself. I've noticed the 'DXT-3 blurries' seem to be worse on black or dark textures...i was so happy to bring down the file sizes so dramatically, but I've since decided to go back to extended-32 bit.
    Currently working on a new series of EE/BAC Canberras for FS2004 - see for details.
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    South Bend, IN, USA

    Re: 32 Bit texture problem

    I am new to repainting. In my case, I have a paintkit from SkySpirit2010 in the form of a Boeing 767-200ER. I did the initial paint with Paint Shop Pro X5. But FS-2004 doesn't load the plane once converted through dxtBMP. I have tried both Extended 888-8 and DTX3, no luck.

    I think the problem may be with the creation of the "_L" files which appear as small blacked out thumbnails. Their size is usually about 32 x 32 and 4.00 KB file size.
    I don't know how to create them.

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