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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Need some info on Nakajima Type 91 wings

    I am reskinning a CFS2 Nakajima Type 91. I have enlarged the stock texture files from 512 by 512 t0 1024 by 1024 to allow for more detail to be put into the skins. I currently have the wings done, but not sure if I have them done in the correct covering. I currently have the wings covered with cloth...and it is my best cloth covering rendition to date. But I am not sure if the Type 91 had cloth, metal or a combination of the two on the wings. I found a site that had pictures of a very very sad looking Type 91 fuselage, and I was surprised to see that the plane actually had an all metal fuselage. The parasol wing and parts of the nose were missing from the I have no idea if the wing covering was cloth, metal or both.

    Does anyone know, have a vague idea or simply want to take a guess?

  2. #2

    Re: Need some info on Nakajima Type 91 wings

    Green and Swanborough suggest that the fuselage was all-metal monocoque and the wings of metal construction with fabric covering. They provide a photograph of the Type 91 on the same page which would look to support this description. The lighting is convenient for this interpretation, and one can see the fabric ribbing on the entire lower wing surface.

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