Hi All;

Well after experimenting with the Ki-43's, I was finally able to generate a template to my liking for Ki-61's and am about to generate roughly 50 AI skins for the 68th & 78th Hikousentai with correct markings and so on.....I'm up in the air though about one aspect of the template. That being which shade looks best as bare metal with some slight oxidation. Still have a tad more tweeking to do, yet I'd like input as to which version looks best to you all.

Contained in the .zip here: Ki61test.zip , are 3 skin files. One labeled "TEST" which has a slightly platinum hue to it, the other "TESTA" which has a tad more bluish tint...Finally the template/skin I struggled with for some time listed as "TestOLD" just for chuckles and to show why I've held off so long.

Let me know which of TEST or TESTA looks best....and thats what I'll generate the New Guinea Hien skinpack from.....Thanks for the help!

CREDIT: Though heavily altered the base template was supplied by Jesters Ink. Internal components with some alterations comes from Pappy Boyington who never sent me the template we agreed upon....That all he finished with my research, so it's included (though with more changes coming)...Finally the last template integrated in is my own based off of the very first released for the Ki-61 many years ago by an unknown maker. However credit is due there due to it has been the basis for all others since.
