OH NO!!!! The dreaded Sceptre of the Red Marking Pen has made another appearance!!!!!!!!
I've looked at dozens of canopy shots by now and the only thing they seem to have in common is the shape. Were all the workers on a "build it however you feel" policy? Can someone PLEASE tell me what the proper lapping order is for the frame parts indicated?![]()
Last edited by Otterkins2; 26th July 2009 at 02:25.
OH NO!!!! The dreaded Sceptre of the Red Marking Pen has made another appearance!!!!!!!!
Otters, say to yourself, "If I were building one, how would I do it?" Then you'll know. (If it blew off you'd got it wrong!)
Hi Otter
Thing is I do not think these WW2 aircraft were built as precisely as everyone thinks. I reckon that in the factories they had a general plan of how components should be constructed and then the women were just left to get on with it as long as it was within a certain tolerance. What with the shift patterns of a 24/7 factory and different people working on the same part, all parts were constructed slightly different to a degree. Except of course parts like the engines/jet engines and more precisely built instruments that were more than likely constructed somewhere else by highly skilled engineers and shipped to a factory for installation into the rest of the airframe. All other parts were a bit more of a bodge job. I believe that having some elements of your drawings slightly different Otter perhaps on different layers so you can offer a choice for these parts with subtle differences it would make your drawings all the more realistic. Or just what the heck and stick with one style of the part and use that because at the end of the day not many people are going to notice or even care.
Keep up the painstakingly accurate good work. Just out of interest what are your plans when you have finished your drawings? Will you be offering them for purchase? Also are you going to be creating the top, front, and back views aswell? Personally I think you should include highly accurate detailed drawings of the guns, bombs, drop tanks etc like Maciej Noszczak who creates the scale drawings in the Kagero publications.
Couple of things here Clint:
First of all, no one else may notice or care, but I certainly can and do. I'm fed up with all these books that pay for this sort of thing and not one, NOT A SINGLE ONE, is accurate. At the end of the day I want to look at my work with pride and say "I did the best I could!" I want people coming to me because they want the very best in accuracy and detail.
Secondly, I'm waaaay ahead of you here. My drawings at the moment are structured for profilers who do not have the time or don't want to take the time to go through the effort of doing all the research to make it accurate. They want to get on with the business of colouring. To that end I have created the Focke Wulf Anton series and the Bf-109 series. They are indeed for sale and can be purchased either through Phoenix art or myself. They are designed in much the same way as model kits are. First there are the "bare bones" profiles themselves...accurate but no racks, drop tanks, bombs or anything else. Those are on a separate sheet and in the same scale. All you have to do is copy and paste to build any variant you want. I have also already started work on ALL the weapons systems for these A/C both internally and externally, though I doubt I'll be doing any engines for them.
It is my intention once I have completed the 109 series to go back and do multiple views of each aircraft for those who need that kind of reference (ie: modelers, historians, restorers, authors, etc.) and want honest to god truly accurate reference. Absolutely everything I do can be backed up with photo references of the actual combat aircraft...NOT RESTORATIONS! All the drawings are fully layered and can be reproduced in any size up to and including life sized because they are all vector based drawings and do not suffer any loss of resolution in the way that raster based art does.
Do dat anser yer kestions...huh????
Last edited by Otterkins2; 26th July 2009 at 02:19. Reason: Ah kaint spel wurth a hang!
No offence Otter! but you appear to be taking it a bit to much to heart, chill out dude! Was just some suggestions as to improve upon your work (isn't that what this forum is all about?) but unknowingly to me you appear to have already started. I respect why you do what you do Otter and totally agree if it is for your satisfactions sake. I dont know if I'm getting the wrong idea here but that seemed like a pretty aggressive answer to some quite innocent questions?
Also wtf does Prosit!!! mean?
It's a German toast, mate.![]()
I don't think Otter is being aggressive although I can understand his reply might seem so. He's not being rash but once you get to know him, you'll see that he does NOT take "good enough" as an answer.I dont know if I'm getting the wrong idea here but that seemed like a pretty aggressive answer to some quite innocent questions?
(In addition, his excellent work has been recently challenged in a very stupid way on this forum so maybe he is being a bit defensive.)
Now that I've moderated a bit, can I be a moderator too?
@Otter: If ever you find the right factory drawings (bad joke intended - sorry couldn't resist), do you intend to do the Me 163 also? I'm supposed to do these once I'm done with the He 177. How much do you ask for your line art?
It wasn't meant to be aggressive at all Clint. I'm simply detailing what my plans are for these drawings, as you asked. Your suggestions are all very valid ones, and as you can see I am well on the way to accomplishing just that. Relax! No one is attacking you or admonishing you, and I truly do think that your work is most excellent. You likely read things into that little "report" that simply aren't there. By the way Clint, if you are still looking for large photos of that crazy cam Jg 52 109 F-2...I've got 'em for ya! Just message me.
@ gammary: Yes, I am a rivet counting freak. The phrase "good enough" doesn't exist in my vocabulary. I'm recording history and I intend to do it right! My work speaks for itself. I'm not the least bit defensive, but I'm going to eat some worms if everybody doesn't stop picking on me JOHN! Yes, I'm doing a 163 but I'm not sure if I'll be done in time for your job. Cost? For you, today only is spacial priced at 63 million plonkas. For 47 million I get you loaf of bread but toilet paper is now beink 80 million plonkas but you have to sign government request form first! Get in touch with me and we'll talk.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 26th July 2009 at 22:09.
Hope this helps. They are all F models with the same pattern. It appears that on the F model the diagonal frame is tucked under bottom frame as opposed to the E models where they appear to be over the bottom piece