After being inspired by Supah, I thought I would try out a new metod in adding highlighst and shades. I was in the middle of working on the Rhino, so i tried to apply the metod to this this rendition.
Before i got started i made a template that would allow me to ad accurate shadings of the wing on the fuselage and on the intake. (image 1)
First off I added the Basic shadings (image 2.). Then i tested the shads on 2 other background colors, as suggested (image 3 and 4)
Then the fun began ! i began adding rivets and panelshadings, and some mild weathering (Image 5)
Last but not least, a paintscheme was added (image 6)...and voila !
Next step is to add a loadout, and a Pilot and WSO...and i guess thatīs about it, untill i find more details to add !
Thansk for all of your sugegstions and help...please let me know what you think about this one !
Great post! Thanks for sharing. Your work has jumped to the high levels on this site in a hurry
How about considering changing the lines of the wing leading edge extension--the shape you have is for the legacy F/A-18C. The Rhino has a distinctive shape that is completely different in top and side views.
Thanks for your comments. I appriciate you taking your time to comment on my work, very much !
I appriciate what you are saying about teh wing extensions leading edge, but have alook at this photo:
I donīt think itīs that far off, but i agree that the shade should be altered, so i have done that on the image below.
Regarding the LEX shape: couldn't open your photo,but here is a direct side-on view of an F/A-18F I took last year at Oceana. See the different edge shape?
I'm hoping that Serval gets the search function in the Gallery working. I've posted many F/A-18C, E, and F photos there to help us get accurate lines. IMHO, the new Gallery organization after the server crash is .