Just keep plumbing, plumbing, plumbing ...
Hi Guys.
The Aircrane is back on the agenda, getting ready for our next fire season.
I still want to know whose bright idea it was to put the plumbing on the OUTSIDE of this thing ...
Just keep plumbing, plumbing, plumbing ...
What was wrong with the original version of Elvis?
You're fittings have a really nice patina about them.
Hi Gfr.
I haven't done an Aircrane yet. I'd done most of the linework, but no rendering.The effort from earlier in the year was put on hold due to everyone being so busy with the relief effort.
I'm up to 150 layers already...
I'm not looking forward to doing the engine. Maybe Ugo will just up and do it for me? Better still, I'll just paste his Alouette engine over the top. No one will notice!
I now have a vision of an Aircrane with Alouette rotors running around the tarmac, screaming, trying to take off and just going nowhere!
A few more pieces added.