I figured that the Phantom needed some new shadings so after receiving a request for this VMFA-232 Phantom i got to work. It have taken me a few days to get right, but I think this one looks pretty good...But whats important is what you think, so please give me your 2 cents.
My only nit pick for your consideration is that the shading of the tank is inconsistent with the shading on the inner wing pylon. At first glance it looks like the tank has a grey segment on its upper surface. Tank should probably be more darkly shadedthan the pylon.
Looks good except for where the intake and fuselage merge. After the merge point, it seems pretty flat. But major compliments on the metal work on the rear of the fuselage.
Not to do with the shading, but you might want to check the jet exhaust nozzles. Except for very early versions, F-4Js had the longer feathers, much like that on the F-4E.
Last edited by wh1skea; 29th August 2009 at 00:08.
Reason: typo
Very nice! As Joe says, the tank and the AIM-9 needs rework (weathering actually). Also, I think the rear part of the engine houding, just before the exhaust, needs some more shading to make it "stick out" a bit more. The exhaust probe casing sticks out a tad too much IMO. And, lastly, I think you should lower the highlight on the radome, to make it more circular-looking.
Sorry for the nit-picking: your drawing has improved a lot as everybody already noticed, and this drawing needs only these simple "upgrades". Hope you don't mind. Keep it up!
thanks ! The exhaust if for a B-model...you are ight about that...i bette get that fixed !
IŽll also look into the shading on the engine houding. I also think that the centnerline tank deserves some more attention...
Yeah the exhaust is for a different model, also I am a bit suspicious about the ECM Cooling scoop on the nose, it looks a bit too bulged, its a bit flatter in my mind then you are portraying it here. Also the tank doesn't actually look like its under the belly shading wise, I'd make it a lot darker, not a lot of light gets there Overall a very nice drawing that you can be very proud of!
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Thansk again for all of your help wit hthis project ! I have tried my best to update the J-model according to your comments, and this is what came out of it...What do you think ?