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Thread: USN/USMC Photos

  1. #1

    USN/USMC Photos

    I thought just crossed my mind. I have a very large photo collection of USN/USMC aircrafts, and i reguarly post them on my website. currently there´s over 1000 but i have 15000 more on file, so there´s quite a way to go befor ei have posted them all.

    A few times a week I post 5-10 photos, and i woul dbe happy to let yoy know what new photos i have added. I´ll only do that if there´s somebody who have the interest in me doing so. So please let me know if you want me to let you know about new photos on my site..I would be happy to do so.

    I´m not sure this is the right part of the forum for this kind of thread, but i hope it´s alright for me to start this thread in here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Chattanooga, TN

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    I'm interested in any Phantom pics you might post.
  3. #3

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    I just recieved 2477 Phantom photos...Great stuff !
  4. #4

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    Here´s the past two days photo uploads.
    I´ll be mor ethan happy to keep letting you know about the lastest updates, but if you rather i didn´t I refrain from updating this thread. In either case, please let me know what you would prefer.

    A-6 intruder:
    YA2F-1 (Prototype), May 1961
    KA-6D of VA-42, Oct. 1990
    KA-6D of VA-85, Feb. 1985
    KA-6D of VA-85, Jun. 1986
    KA-6D of VA-95, Oct. 1980
    KA-6D of VA-176, Jul. 1987
    KA-6D of VA-304, Jul. 1991
    A-6A, NAEC, Jul. 1977
    A-6A of NATC, Feb. 1975
    KA-6D of NATC, Sep. 1978
    NA-6A of NATTC, Dec. 1973
    NA-6A of NATTC, Jun. 1981
    A-6A of PMTC, Aug. 1979
    KA-6D of PMTC, Nov. 1978
    KA-6D of PMTC, Feb. 1979

    EA-6B Prowler
    EA-6B of VAQ-129, Jul. 1977
    EA-6B of VAQ-129, Nov. 1981
    EA-6B of VAQ-131, Oct. 1971
    EA-6B of VAQ-132, Jul. 1982
    EA-6B of VAQ-134, Jan. 1976
    EA-6B of VAQ-134, Aug. 1978
    EA-6B of VAQ-135, Sep. 1975
    EA-6B of VAQ-137, Apr. 1977
    EA-6B of VAQ-138, Sep. 1977
    EA-6B of VMAQ-1, Jun. 1992
    EA-6B of VMAQ-2, Jan. 1989
    EA-6B of VMAQ-4, Mar. 1996
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    I think that ANY posting that allows more access to reference photos is not only relevant, but highly cruical in the work we all do. Might be a good idea to post the website AP.
  6. #6

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    ohh...of mistake. Here it is: Aircraft Profiles

    go to the "photos" section and then the galleries are sorted by type of squadron (VF, VAQ, RVAH, etc etc etc)

    I´ll post a new bunch tomorrow. what would you want: I got F-5N, F-21, F-8, F-4, C-130, F-10, A-7, A-3, A-5, A-1 and F-16s ? (also EA-6 and A-6s but let´s try some others tomorrow)
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    Grand site AP! Saved it to my favorites. Not my area of expertise but always handy to have such in depth info. A thousand thankyou's for such valuable free info. We need more people like you.
  8. #8

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    Some Phantoms today. There´s some very unique stuff in between todays submission: VF-161 F-4Bs with AH tailcode (not from 1972 as you might think, but from 1965), early VF-92, VF-96 and VF-143 birds. Here´s the link to my site: Aircraft Profiles (click on "Photos" -sections and choose a category of galleries)

    here´s todays lot:

    F-4B of VF-92, Sep. 1965
    F4H-1 of VF-96, 1962
    F4H-1 of VF-101 Det. A, Aug. 1961
    F-4A of VF-101 Det. A, Feb. 1963
    F-4B of VF-121, 1963
    F-4B of VF-121, Jul. 1969
    F4H-1 of VF-143, Aug. 1962
    F-4B of VF-161, May 1965
    F-4B of VMFA-531, Apr. 1970
    TF-4A of NMC, Apr. 1970
    QF-4B of NMC, Oct. 1972
    QF-4B of NMC, Nov. 1974
    QF-4B of PMTC, Apr. 1977
    QF-4B of PMTC, Feb. 1978
    QF-4B of PMTC, Feb. 1979
    QF-4B of PMTC, Jul. 1984
    F-4B of VMFAT-101, Apr. 1973
  9. #9

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    This time some Vikings. Aircraft Profiles

    S-3B of VS-27, Jun. 1987
    S-3B of VS-27, Apr. 1990
    S-3A of VS-31, Jun. 1985
    S-3A of VS-31, May 1987
    S-3A of VS-37, Jun. 1988
    S-3A of VS-41, Sep. 1977
    KS-3A of VS-41, Oct. 1980
    US-3A of VRC-50, Aug. 1982
    US-3A of VRC-50, Nov. 1982
    S-3A, prototype, May 1972
    S-3A, prototype, Nov. 1972
    S-3A of NATC, Sep. 1974
    S-3A of NATC, May 1988
  10. #10

    Re: USN/USMC Photos

    A few corsairs have been added. Enjoy ! Aircraft Profiles

    A-7A of VA-56, Jan. 1975
    A-7A of VA-93, Mar. 1975
    A-7A of VA-93, May 1976
    A-7A of VA-93, Jul. 1976
    A-7A of VA-93, Aug. 1976
    A-7A of VA-122, Unknown
    A-7A of VX-5, Jul. 1967

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