They're lovely!!!!
I have released a number of Gloster Meteor profiles, it's on
Gloster Meteors
They're lovely!!!!
hi rudnei,
welcome to the PSP gang, all this others use silly programs like CS3 and what have you, it take a real artist to use paint shop pro.
i still use my old favorite, PSP7![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Hi, thanks for the comments. When you say lots more shading, what exactly do you mean? To make the shadows darker or to add more regions in shadow, or both?
Also, wrt the panel lines, the use of gaussian blur filters as mentioned in one of the tutorials, is this the way to go?
Make them darker, add more shaded area's and make the shading more complex. A lot of this can be done with things as simple as selections and gradiant fills.
Concerning panel lines, yes the tutorial with the Gaussian blur filters is the way to go but remember, line drawings contain lines to define shapes like an engine nacelle. You shouldn't draw these on your profile as these lines do not exist in real life. It's a mistake a lot of people make in the beginning.
Here a few tests I did with Gaussian blurring and drop shadows for the panel lines. I would like to know what do you think.
I wouldn't use drop-shadows. Just draw your panel lines (read the tutorial on doing them with paths in photoshop, perhaps PSP has something similar, as this is a really handy way). Once you have them done select them, expand your selection by one or two pixels and fill this with white on a new layer, tweak this for opacity etc. reselect the panel layers, expand by about 6 pixels depending on the size of the drawing you are making, fill with black on a new layer below the rest, add gausian blur to your taste. Will look much better.