Not bad for a start ! In my oppinion i think thereīs a few things that needs to be tweeked, in order for this profile to go from good to great.
First off the things i really like about yoru profile:
1. Great colors ! You nailed that one
2. The fussy edges of the camo scheme looks very nice !
3. Great looking paint-peeling ! Looks good. How about adding some to the reast of teh aircraft too ?
And now for the things that i think could be tweeked (please notice that these are my oppinion)
1. The shadows cast by the wing, tailfins etc. should fade as the rund down toward the bottom of the aircraft. Teh wing canīt cast a shadow on somethin thatīs directly underneath the aircraft, so perhaps try to use a gradient (thatīs what i do).
2. The highlighted areas should be more well defined. Especially for a aircraft from this era when the paint was in a fairly high gloss. The more well defind and narrow the highlight is, the glossier the aircraft will look,
3. Donīt be afraid to give the shade a extra layer (or two) !
4. How about giving the detaisl abit more attention ? The spinner fx. And how about adding propeller blades (I know tehy are hard to do, but iīm sure somebody can help you with that). Some more details would give this profile some extra spice !
5. Try to have a look at the "making glass" tutorial.
I hope you can use my comments. I donīt mean to shoot you down or anything. As you can see on otehr threads inhere i have been taking some flak too, but i have realized that "The Lotus flower grows in the deepset mud" as a teacher once told me
Keep up the good work !