I moved yur post to another forum and changed the topic.
This way I think it might draw more interest from people with knowledge of the subject. Quite a few people here hardly read the IL-2 forum.
Hi Guys.
I am new to the site and this is my first post, I thought that I would show you a screen shot of my first ever skin (I use a Ju88 template by IMME)
To cut a long story short I am trying to make this Ju88 look like one that was shot down near Bristol UK in early 1944.
Here is a link with some info about this aircraft Luftwaffe Ju88
And here is a screen shot of my attempt to reproduce a similar coloured skin for this aircraft ( I still have to find out what markings were use on these KG30 Ju88 aircraft as I am not sure that the pic of it in the link is an accurate image of this aircraft?).
I would be gratefull for any advice that you Guy's can give me about this subject, also what would you say about my skins colouring, all I had to go on was that the RAF report said that it was a "mottled greenish grey" there is no mention about the underside colour, but I have done mine in black, so to be the same as in the link's opening image?.
Thanks for reading this.
I moved yur post to another forum and changed the topic.
This way I think it might draw more interest from people with knowledge of the subject. Quite a few people here hardly read the IL-2 forum.
Thanks you for these images barney, they do help a lot, it looks like my skin is a little lighter than the one's in your photo, I think that I will darken it a little more and see how that look's.
Thank's again...PanzerFodder...