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  1. #1

    Hurricane MK.IIC

    Here is one of my latest projects : The Hurricane MK.IIC (this one in Portuguese colours).
    Here I tried to use new techniques for the corrugate effect on the fuselage (fabric over metal tubes?), wheatering and paint scratchs.
    All comments are wellcome.
    Best regards to all

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  2. #2

    Re: Hurricane MK.IIC

    You've put a lot of work in here. Very nice. Vertical tail's a bit thick looking, taking off some of the heavy shading I think might fix it. If you are going to show the prop going round, then the blur will cut across the centre of the spinner.(No gap). Unusual markings. Quite an interesting change from the usual RAF roundels etc.

  3. #3

    Re: Hurricane MK.IIC

    Quote Originally Posted by ratfugel View Post
    You've put a lot of work in here. Very nice. Vertical tail's a bit thick looking, taking off some of the heavy shading I think might fix it. If you are going to show the prop going round, then the blur will cut across the centre of the spinner.(No gap). Unusual markings. Quite an interesting change from the usual RAF roundels etc.

    Thanks for your comments:
    Tail- it does look a bit thick; I will rearrange it a bit.
    Spinner- Actually when I was doing it, in the begining; I thought of extending the blur, but could not make it look "right": I will try again.
    Thanks again
    Best regards
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Hurricane MK.IIC

    Hi JP.

    Try softening off the ribbing effect on the rear fuselage. It's looking a bit like corrugated metal at the moment. If you've done it with Bevel and Emboss, try applying some Soften. I like the noce, the shape is coming up well.

  5. #5

    Re: Hurricane MK.IIC

    Here is a new version.
    The tail heavy shadowing and the fuselage effects ahve been changed
    Ratgfugel: I have tried to extend the spinner but it does not look good; do you have an image where that effect can be seen? Thanks
    All coments are most welcomed
    Best regards

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  6. #6

    Re: Hurricane MK.IIC

    Does this help? It's only a quickie but you should get the idea. Use a rectangular marquee tool to get the prop rectangle, then, keeping it selected, use the pen tool (black) at about 20% (soft), draw in the prop shape, then feather out the edges using the eraser tool set at about 15% before deselecting. If you are careful it can give the impression of a whirling prop. Don't forget, only camera shutters can stop things, the human eye only sees blurs.

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  7. #7

    Re: Hurricane MK.IIC

    Thanks Ratfugel for your help.
    I understand what you are saying and will try to work it out.
    Best regards
    Visit my Website at

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