Here are some shots of the fictional skins that I've painted so far.
Bf 109 F-2 "Plage":
Bf 109 F-4 "Plage" (Winter):
F4U-1C "Beautiful Sally":
F4U-1D "212 S":
F4U-1D "Spade Ace":
The Messerschmitts are based on a very simple template that I found on the net and the skins you'll find ingame but it's mainly pure handwork.
The Corsairs are simply based on some ingame skins and the "Void" sample and just got reworked a bit.
I planed to work on the 109s a little more (weathering etc.) but know that I've foundall the nice templates here I think I'll give it a new try and start from scratch.
Last edited by Plage; 23rd September 2009 at 07:11.