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Thread: SH-3D Seaking

  1. #11

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Thanks... I would be very interested in both the main rotor and the tail rotor.

    Your rendition is really starting to shape up ! Good work. Where have your forund stencils fro this aircraft ?
  2. #12

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Thanks Ugo for the tips.

    I'm going to try.
  3. #13

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Quote Originally Posted by Aircraftprofiles View Post
    Thanks... I would be very interested in both the main rotor and the tail rotor.

    Your rendition is really starting to shape up ! Good work. Where have your forund stencils fro this aircraft ?
    For the stencils, it's a mix from US NAVY Monogram book, and real photos.

    For the photos here are some usefull links :

    SH-3H Sea King Walk Around Page 1

    SeaKing Walkaround Index

    Aircraft in Detail - Westland Sea King (Sikorsky S-61) Walkaround Index

    And References books, as those I use (see my web page,US Navy / Marines aircraft carrier , planes and helicopters prints / posters / illustrations and drawings - Artwork Navy , and click on REFERENCES tab for the SH-3 books).
  4. #14

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Quote Originally Posted by Ugo Crisponi View Post
    Usually I prepare the rotor blades in a stright line, not curved as they are in the static modo. Than apply a slight motion blur effect and gaussian fade. Every blade has three layers with different fadig gradients.

    The tail rotor simply apply a spin motion effect with Corel.
    Here is my attempt for a rotating rotor.
    Not sure I get the same result as yourself Ugo.

    Any new advice ?..
  5. #15

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Thanks for the links ! Iīll make sure to use them when I get around to updating my SH-3 (which it needs !) I can only hope to get a good a result as you !

    I do have a suggestion for the rotors: The rotor blade that is tehf urthest away from the observer looks like it stick up too high. All the blades should be equally bended upward, so try to bring it down alittes and i think itīll look better !

    good work !
  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Yep, low down the farest blade, and just a little the top left one. For the rest seems mine! **LOL**

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    I do have a suggestion for the rotors: The rotor blade that is tehf urthest away from the observer looks like it stick up too high. All the blades should be equally bended upward, so try to bring it down alittes and i think itīll look better !
    +1. Looks a bit out of plane. Nice job, though!
  8. #18

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Having read my previous comment, iīm quite surprised that there was anybody who acctually understood what i ment...There was more than one spelling error in that one...
  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    hey AP,

    don't worry that how we all talk on here, but strangley enough we understand each other nice chopper, is the rotor head blurred! bearing in mind my brain is not here at the moment
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  10. #20

    Re: SH-3D Seaking

    Rarely have I said a helicopter could ever look beautiful, but Ugo (who never sleeps) has produced a real beauty here. You can almost hear the thing. Terrific - not just a profile, but a real work of art.


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