Here is a generic skinpack
It contains an example of A and B schemes. And it has the three kinds of markings as worn from 1938 to 1940. One has the 1.JaVA logo, the only unit that had a logo on it's aircraft.
It makes 8 skins total.
Unzip it to the Skins directory. New files will be placed in the DXXI_DU and DXXI_SARJA3_EARLY folders. The files from the DXXI_SARJA3_EARLY folder can also be placed in the LATE folder if you like.

Name:  1266_grab0002.jpg
Views: 740
Size:  29.3 KB

In this topic: LVA D.XXI's - 1e JaVA Squadron BB
I will be releasing historical skins of over 20 of the 36 aircraft that were in Dutch service.