Luftwaffe Outlined Numbers with Gimp 2.6 [UPDATED]
Hi guys
Found a Youtube vid that shows a text tutorial that would be perfect for making Luftwaffe Outline Numbers with Gimp 2.6. IMPORTANT
This Tutorial is NOT specific to IL-2 Sturmovik so there a few task to perform that are not mentioned.
1..When selecting New Image click on Advanced Options Tab and Transparency for background.
Now follow steps shown in video until 1:07.
2..When using Grow Tool opt for 2 Pixels.
3..To copy/Paste onto skin,highlight Background Layer and press Eye this will remove background colour
to reveal Transparent checkerboard.
In Tools box select Rectangular marquee tool and drag around Font then right click and select Copy visible then Paste onto Skin.
Last edited by Serval; 13th December 2015 at 19:48.
Reason: Update
I've always used this YouTube tutorial but now I see it's been deleted.
Does anyone have another link to this tutorial? I've used the technique a bunch of times but always forget the exact sequence, so now I'm stuck. I need more brain cells.
I don't know it my technique is the same as in the video, but here's what I do to make outlined characters:
1) Draw the numeral or letters in black on a white background
2) Select the black color using the magic wand
3) Click the "Selection to Path" button (sometimes the path needs to be manually adjusted to smooth them out)
4) On a new layer fill the selection with the desired color.
5) On another new layer, stroke the path, using whatever size produces the proper outline.
(Keeping the inside and outline colors on separate layers will let you easily change one without affecting the other.)