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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    New Jersey, USA

    Copy/Paste Multiple Layers

    When I need to Copy layers from one file to another, I always do them one at a time. Is there a way to Copy multiple layers and Paste them all to another file in one shot?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Central Florida

    Re: Copy/Paste Multiple Layers

    Hi Aviar,

    Unfortunately there isn't a way to copy multiple layers with Gimp.

    You can open both images and just click and drag the layers from the Layer window of the "copy" image right onto the image window of your "pasting" image.
    Gimp will leave the Layer on your original image, and put the word "copy" next to your name for the layer on the pasted image.

    If the images are the same size, the layer will be placed exactly where it was on the first image. You may have to move it around a bit if the images are different sizes.

    Also of note, Gimp will place the pasted layer on top of the last active layer on the pasting image. So to get them placed right the first time, just activate the layer below where you want it pasted. This saves you the bother of pasting, and then having to raise or lower the layer afterward.

    Hope this helps you out.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Copy/Paste Multiple Layers

    Quote Originally Posted by turnipkiller View Post
    Hi Aviar,

    You can open both images and just click and drag the layers from the Layer window of the "copy" image right onto the image window of your "pasting" image.
    Gimp will leave the Layer on your original image, and put the word "copy" next to your name for the layer on the pasted image.

    If the images are the same size, the layer will be placed exactly where it was on the first image. You may have to move it around a bit if the images are different sizes.

    Also of note, Gimp will place the pasted layer on top of the last active layer on the pasting image. So to get them placed right the first time, just activate the layer below where you want it pasted. This saves you the bother of pasting, and then having to raise or lower the layer afterward.
    Found this on Google and registered just to ask this follow up question: when I paste from one image to another, the pasted layer gets put at the center of the destination image, not at the original location. The source and destination images are exactly the same size. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Copy/Paste Multiple Layers

    Quote Originally Posted by rookieu View Post
    Found this on Google and registered just to ask this follow up question: when I paste from one image to another, the pasted layer gets put at the center of the destination image, not at the original location. The source and destination images are exactly the same size. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

    Hi Rookieu, welcome to SPS.

    This issue still exists with Gimp 2.8 on Windows. I have started using a workaround, though. After I make a selection somewhere in the image, I then make an additional selection (hold shift) at the top left corner of the layer.

    Copying this will allow it to be pasted back in the same spot. Apparently Gimp starts from the top left when pasting, so having those selected pixels in the corner gives it spacing back to the original position.

    Quote Originally Posted by turnipkiller
    Unfortunately there isn't a way to copy multiple layers with Gimp.
    Aviar and turnipkiller, check the latest version of Gimp 2.8. Now that we have access to layer groups, you can duplicate complete layer groups and all the layers they contain will be duplicated.
    Last edited by adlabs6; 30th May 2012 at 04:41.

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