23rd October 2009, 21:44
Searching the gallery
It was hard to find aircraft photo's in our gallery.
It has to do with a few things, but we got a way to search a bit better.
Go to the search page of the Gallery: http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/photoplog/search.html
There type the searchstring you want. Like Hurricane
That will give some results
Now sofar a string like F-16 did not work
Tre F-16C and you'll see it works.
But you never know which F-16 is in the gallery. So Type *F-16* And you will find aal F-16's in the gallery.
It never hurts to add a leading and trailing * to your searchstring. So, try it when your original search does not return any result.
24th October 2009, 03:24
Re: Searching the gallery
Your old approach to listing aircraft links by type (F-4, F-15, etc.) was sooo much better than this system.
Even as a poster of photos I reach dead ends searching the current system even though I know what's there!
Is there a fundamental reason why--IMHO-- you gave up such a great system for this one?
Thanks for all you do--and have done-- to make this a favorite site for all of us. Just wish we could return to the "good old days" for Gallery searches.
24th October 2009, 11:59
Re: Searching the gallery
Reason to give the old system up is technical.
The old way we did it, appeared to eat loads of resources. This was the cause of many slow server or even downtimes we had in the past.
No matter what gallery software we use, that way of doing things will cause problems. At least with our amount of categories.
I've been searching the web, and I never saw a Gallery with more then about 20-25 categories, where we had over 100.
That is why we had to abandon it. I'm creating a special user where I make albums per aircraft as a workaround. It's still WIP, as soon as it's done I'll add it to the gallery.
Meanwhile everyone can create his own albums (see the "Albums" link in the Gallery) and add any picture to it no matter who uploaded it. See it as some kind of favorites system. There you can have as many (personal) Albums as you like.
It's a bit of getting used to, but I think the hints for the search option should help to find most material.
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