Yay for cat cameras, the burglars just need to be careful not to stray into the picture!![]()
It's bad English (no not the band) but it should become clear what is meant. I'll add a few untranslated words:
Vertaalresultaat voor http://www.nu.nl/algemeen/2108445/camera-in-woning-schendt-privacy-insluiper.html
insluiper = burglar
verdachte = suspect
woonhuizen = houses
Red line of the story is that an association of criminals wants a trail to disallow people to have securitycamera's in their own houses. Since it violates the privacy of the burglar
Well, lucky me, I'm only having camera's in the house to see how my cats are doing when I'm away![]()
Yay for cat cameras, the burglars just need to be careful not to stray into the picture!![]()
...or I'll have a problem when they get what they want.
The bright side: I got an excuse
But with the new shed blocking the backway in and out, I'm not as afraight of burglary as in the past.
Last edited by Serval; 25th October 2009 at 20:14.
Here, when a criminal is captured on a camera it is shown on TV news.
I fear her most with her "Straight through the Seas" (some way to say in Dutch you are straight forward). I think shes capable to ram every door there is![]()
When I watch her on TV I get the impression that intellectually she is a black hole. I guess the polls reflect the rest of the electorate thinking the same. Politics ... the greatest spectator sport if you ask me! Way more fun then soccer, the only bad part is we actually let them decide stuff![]()