Hello friends.

As you certainly noticed, I've been away a quite long time.
Fisrt because I didn't feel like skining.
And then because I had many trouble with yhe ZSF site hosting.
Now the ZSF is back on line with a new URL :


Unfortunately here is much work to do to recover all the site capabilities and links to skin are not available yet.
Nevertheless if you need any skin send me a e-mail and I'll send it to you in return.

And the skining spirit came back to me a few weeks agos when I discover the F9F Panther. Although I'm not usualy interested in jets, this particular one captivated me. So I started to make a skin from a model a friend of mine made few mounths ago.
It is a plane from a training unit (UTA 206) based in Florida in 1956. I was lucky to find on the web some pictures showing 3 different planes from this unit, so I inluded the three of the in a pack.

Skin available HERE

Cheers and see you soon.