Well, better than delete the thread, maybe post how you did the checkerboard effect. Then others who search can also find this tip.
I have to paint a checkerboard pattern on a tail. Typical checkerboard squares consisting of black and clear squares.
However, I'm not sure how to do this, other than painting it pixel by pixel, which I really don't want to do. Is there a fairly easier way to do this? I am using GIMP.
**Nevermind. I figured out a way. Sorry about the thread. I tried to delete it, but couldn't find a way. Is there a way to delete a thread that has no replies yet? Admin, feel free to delete this thread.
Last edited by Aviar; 18th November 2009 at 23:14. Reason: Solved
Well, better than delete the thread, maybe post how you did the checkerboard effect. Then others who search can also find this tip.
Not much of a tip, I'm afraid. I did the next best thing to painting pixel by pixel. I sized a square brush to around 10x10 and painted the black squares in by hand. Actually it was very fast and simple.
You know, I still wouldn't mind knowing how the experts make a checkerboard pattern. I assumed it would be something like making the initial pattern of squares with some sort of lines and then simply using the 'fill' tool for the appropriate squares.
However, I couldn't figure out how to make the lines. I tried using the 'path' tool as well as the 'guide' lines, with no success. So, I basically did it by hand, which happened to work out real nicely.
Last edited by Aviar; 19th November 2009 at 22:59. Reason: Added Screenshots
Hi Aviar,
You can create a checkerboard pattern by clicking Filter->Render->Pattern->Checkerboard.
This will bring up a window which will allow you to size your squares. The colours are taken from your foreground and background colours.
**Edit -- This is assuming you have Gimp 2.6, I can't recall if this filter is in the older versions or not.![]()
That's very cool...thanks. But, how do you define the area you want to checkerboard? I was just experimenting with this feature for the first time and the entire layer became a checkerboard.
For instance, just the cowling or maybe the rudder?
Hi Aviar, just make a selection of the area you want the checks in before you use the filter and it will make them only inside that selection. (The preview window will show the checkers on the entire layer, I think this is a glitch with the filter.) Hope this helps you out.![]()
Do you know of anyone who has made for download a single Layer of a colored checker board pattern that can be use in paint programs? TC
Thank you for responding. However, your reply did not really answer my question.
Basically, I asked how to select an area to be checkerboarded...and you told me to "...make a selection of the area you want the checks in...".
So, I still don't know how to define an area to be checkerboarded. I suppose I could checkerboard the entire layer and then erase the parts I dont want.
use the free selection tool from tools palette
check this out Some Basics with GIMP 2.6.x - 2: Selection Tools and Tricks - Canon Digital Photography Forums
Thanks for that tip....it works!
turnipkiller, I'm sorry for saying you didn't answer my question. I was just too stupid to understand what you meant by 'selection'. Believe me, I appreciate all the help. Thanks again.