I've been using Photoshop Elements for a few years. I wouldn't say I know it but I've learned my way around. I'm trying to get better at skinning and just came across GIMP.
My question to those more qualified than me are which is better? I know my way around Elements pretty well but always seem to be stopped by something and can never finish a skin because of it. Is GIMP better? Is it easier to learn for someone who is self taught?
I can't vouch for having used Elements, but I can say quite confidently that you can achieve excellent results with Gimp, on par with Photoshop et al.
The only thing I've really ever heard from people used to the Adobe programs, is that the interface is kind of screwy to them. (I found it to be the other way around when I tried Photoshop lol ).
There are plenty of tutorials for Gimp, and tons of community support and community made plugins and filters as well. If you're getting stuck because Elements isn't able to do something, I would try the switch. (Free is good. )
Problem I have at the moment is a HUGE loss of quality when I convert to indexed color to save as a bmp. I can't find much here on the site about saving. I know the process, but when I convert it blows all the quality away.
Hi guys,
Its probably a snake about to bite me.....but I cant find the download for bright. Can someone direct me to a link? I googled it but found version 1.6. The download link was broken. It was the only one I found too.