I don't know Gimp, but you should look in tools that are similar to the smudge tool.
The problem with skins is that it will also affect the panellines.
Your best bet is to create a new skin from a template.
A question about the GIMP Bucket Fill Tool. In this particular case, it's a question about how to manipulate certain sections of an existing IL-2 skin.
When a skin has a camo scheme where two colors meet to form an 'edge', this edge sometimes has a hard jagged line. In other words, it looks like the skinner used a 'hard' brush instead of a 'soft' brush, if you know what I mean. There is no 'soft' blending of the two colors.
Is there a one-click method I could use to 'soften' the 'hard' edge between the two colors? I could and have done it manually, but that is very time-consuming.
I mentioned the Bucket Fill Tool because I was hoping it has a setting that would do this in one simple click. However, if another tool can do this, that would be great also.
I don't know Gimp, but you should look in tools that are similar to the smudge tool.
The problem with skins is that it will also affect the panellines.
Your best bet is to create a new skin from a template.
Not in this case, because the camo colors are on individual layers.
*EDIT: I did it....thanks to your inspiration! I didn't use the Blur Tool, since I was trying to find a one-click solution and this would mean blurring the edges manually.
However, I tried a Gaussian Blur from the Filters menu and that worked perfectly. One click and all the hard edges are blended beautifully. Thanks again.
Last edited by Aviar; 8th December 2009 at 01:40. Reason: Found Solution
Correct, when the colors are on seperate layers, a Gaussian blur is very effective.
But since you were talking about skin and not template, I ruled out that option.
Another one would be to follow the edges with a soft brush.
If the blur causes some edges not to align good, you can correct those with a soft brush that matches the effect of the blur.