Hi guys,
To start the year 2010, I present to you a little sunshine from "Afrika", with this panzer IV ausf D.
Very Happy New Year to all of you and...Heia Safari !!
A few suggestions for you;
The road wheels look like they need more dimensionality to them. Right now they look like a series of flat parts layered on top of one another. Can you get more of the cast effect with the rounded spoke relief? Perhaps nock off some of the black edge shadow around the spokes? The hub of the road wheel looks like it is the same depth as the raised spokes too.
Here is a good image although it has a different style hub-
Another with the same style hub-
Overall, a lot of your details have (in my opinion) dark lines and shadows that are too overemphasized. Try a little less shadow surround to show the separate parts and add a bit more highlighted edges instead. The raised portal with the 4 over it on the turret looks really good. Compare it to the port on the forward hull side.
The weathering is FABULOUS!
I think if you could try to move away from outlines to establish parts and use subtle shading rather than those stark lines your tanks would really improve. And since they are already so nice that would really be something!
Last edited by BLOWHARD; 29th December 2009 at 23:15.
Thanks a lot for your comments and a special thank for BLOWHARD and his very usefull post and detail pictures. Road wheels are different between PzIV model but these details are really interesting.
All the best.
I have considered very good remarks of BLOWHARD and here are my changes. Indeed changes are much better. Again thank you, you were right as usual.
Bonjour Gamary,
Je suis content d'avoir de tes nouvelles. Merci pour ton post. De mon côté, je suis aussi tes superbes profils et je te retourne le compliment: Je n'ai qu'une chose à te dire: "Bravo, bravo" .
A bientôt et préparons nous pour la nouvelle année.