Nice stuff! Just some notes. The Sturmböcke had armoured wind screens. Also the triangle. Also most Sturmböcke didn't have guns in the fuselage. They were covered. Alos have never seen a Sturmbock with MG 151. I think all had MK 108.
I know this Simon, but the photos I have don't show evidence of extra plating on the windshield or front quarter glass, so I assumed it was internal plating not visible from the outside. I didn't pick up on this on the 109 G-K either (which is internal) until I got the drafted plans of the 109 series. As to the weapons, none of my photos show those parts so I went with the existing armament. Care to share?
Last edited by Otterkins2; 24th January 2010 at 08:32.
Hí Otter! This armoured triangle from the canopy was visible at the Fw 190. I don't know if you have Peter Rodeike's Fw 190 "Bible". There are many ics in there showing that.I the www I just found some poors pics.
One thing that your photos show Simon is that my primer fuel fill port is too far back. Easy enough to adjust. What does concern me though is that I simply can't make out the frame shape of the panzerglas on either the windscreen or the front quarter glass. Your drawings are unfotunately too small to ascertain those details as well. Can you isolate that area and show a detail shot? I don't have the book you mention by the way, and out of all the books I have on the 190 photos of the Sturmböcke (to say nothing of the 190 Trop) are few and far between. Furthermore, what few I do have are very poor quality.
The issue gets further clouded by the line drawings in those books (we all know how much I love and trust those) which portray these aircraft with and without cowl MG's and with both standard wing armament and with outboard MK 108 kanone. What is one to believe? Any info you (or anyone else for that matter) can provide that will help clear this up would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by Otterkins2; 25th January 2010 at 00:27.
Another thing that doesn't fit to your great work! Please change the cover of the main undercarriage! You have drawn the old style, as used on really early Fw 190 when they had a second cover to close the undercarriage completely! Later Fw 190 got an enlargement and the second cover was left.